Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription800...800
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionDon't miss out on this business opportunity. Minimal investment in one of t...Don't miss out on this business opportunity. Minimal investment in one of t...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1300...1300
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionBusiness for sale! This is a perfect opportunity to owning your own busine...Business for sale! This is a perfect opportunity to owning your own busine...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1250...1250
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionGreat deal for a turnkey, highly profitable storefront with impeccable comm...Great deal for a turnkey, highly profitable storefront with impeccable comm...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1500...1500
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionTurn-Key Milk Tea Shop with Great Potential!
This is your chance to own a ...Turn-Key Milk Tea Shop with Great Potential!
This is your chance to own a ...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription3200...3200
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionPrime Opportunity to Own a Well-Established Restaurant in Tumon!
Located o...Prime Opportunity to Own a Well-Established Restaurant in Tumon!
Located o...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription868...868
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionThis ready-to-take-over convenience store with a prime location is nestled ...This ready-to-take-over convenience store with a prime location is nestled ...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription800...800
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionHere's your opportunity to own a laundromat located on the prime corner of ...Here's your opportunity to own a laundromat located on the prime corner of ...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1850...1850
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionIt's one of the most popular restaurant for dining and to-go. It 's fully e...It's one of the most popular restaurant for dining and to-go. It 's fully e...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1800...1800
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionDreaming of owning your own business? Here is your opportunity! This busi...Dreaming of owning your own business? Here is your opportunity! This busi...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1100...1100
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionFronting Route 10 in Mangilao right across from the new Express Med Pharmac...Fronting Route 10 in Mangilao right across from the new Express Med Pharmac...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1000...1000
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionOpportunity blooms with this well-established flower shop, boasting over tw...Opportunity blooms with this well-established flower shop, boasting over tw...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1500...1500
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionWell-established Nail and Lash Salon located on North Marine Corps Drive at...Well-established Nail and Lash Salon located on North Marine Corps Drive at...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription800...800
Description: Types of PropertiesDescription*NO INQUIRES AT THE STORE* Take advantage of this rare opportunity to own a...*NO INQUIRES AT THE STORE* Take advantage of this rare opportunity to own a...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription19909.7...19909.7
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionGreat opportunity to own the biggest games and playground on the island! Ce...Great opportunity to own the biggest games and playground on the island! Ce...
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1400...1400
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionNew Horizons Guam is a one of a kind franchise opportunity. Established ove...New Horizons Guam is a one of a kind franchise opportunity. Established ove...
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REALTORS® aren’t just agents. They’re professional members of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict code of ethics. This is the REALTOR® difference for home buyers:
An expert guide. Selling a home usually requires dozens of forms, reports, disclosures, and other technical documents. A knowledgeable expert will help you prepare the best deal, and avoid delays or costly mistakes. Also, there’s a lot of jargon involved, so you want to work with a professional who can speak the language.
Objective information and opinions. REALTORS® can provide local information on utilities, zoning, schools, and more. They also have objective information about each property. REALTORs® can use that data to help you determine if the property has what you need.
Property marketing power. Property doesn’t sell due to advertising alone. A large share of real estate sales comes as the result of a practitioner’s contacts with previous clients, friends, and family. When a property is marketed by a REALTOR®, you do not have to allow strangers into your home. Your REALTOR® will generally prescreen and accompany qualified prospects through your property.
Negotiation knowledge. There are many factors up for discussion in a deal. A REALTOR® will look at every angle from your perspective, including crafting a purchase agreement that allows you the flexibility you need to take that next step.
Up-to-date experience. Most people sell only a few homes in a lifetime, usually with quite a few years in between each sale. Even if you’ve done it before, laws and regulations change. REALTORS® handle hundreds of transactions over the course of their career.
Your rock during emotional moments. A home is so much more than four walls and a roof. And for most people, property represents the biggest purchase they’ll ever make. Having a concerned, but objective, third party helps you stay focused on the issues most important to you.
Ethical treatment. Every REALTOR® must adhere to a strict code of ethics, which is based on professionalism and protection of the public. As a REALTOR®’s client, you can expect honest and ethical treatment in all transaction-related matters.
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