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These are ALL the properties available in Guam's Multiple Listing Service (MLS). We recommend using the FILTERS above to narrow your search. You can start by clicking "Types of Properties" in FILTERS for best results.
Property Type: Types of PropertiesDescriptionSingle Fmly For Rent...Single Fmly For Rent
# of Bedrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription2...2
# of Bathrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription2...2
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1300...1300
Year Built: Types of PropertiesDescription1996...1996
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionComfy, cozy and very spacious home with large yard maintained by owner. Thi...Comfy, cozy and very spacious home with large yard maintained by owner. Thi...
Property Type: Types of PropertiesDescriptionSingle Fmly For Rent...Single Fmly For Rent
# of Bedrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription5...5
# of Bathrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription3...3
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription2500...2500
Year Built: Types of PropertiesDescription1980...1980
Property Type: Types of PropertiesDescriptionSingle Fmly For Rent...Single Fmly For Rent
# of Bedrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription4...4
# of Bathrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription3.5...3.5
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription2200...2200
Year Built: Types of PropertiesDescription2020...2020
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionModern Elegance in a Growing Neighborhood!
Located in the newly booming ...Modern Elegance in a Growing Neighborhood!
Located in the newly booming ...
Property Type: Types of PropertiesDescriptionSingle Fmly For Sale...Single Fmly For Sale
# of Bedrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription4...4
# of Bathrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription3.5...3.5
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription2200...2200
Year Built: Types of PropertiesDescription2020...2020
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionLocated in the newly booming Yigo Anao Road community, this stunning modern...Located in the newly booming Yigo Anao Road community, this stunning modern...
Property Type: Types of PropertiesDescriptionSingle Fmly For Sale...Single Fmly For Sale
# of Bedrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription3...3
# of Bathrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription2...2
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1400...1400
Year Built: Types of PropertiesDescription2015...2015
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionInvestor Alert. Own this property gated community in the most desirable nei...Investor Alert. Own this property gated community in the most desirable nei...
Status: Types of PropertiesDescriptionClosed...Closed
Property Type: Types of PropertiesDescriptionSingle Fmly For Rent...Single Fmly For Rent
# of Bedrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription2...2
# of Bathrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription1...1
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription750...750
Year Built: Types of PropertiesDescription2995...2995
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionRare two bedroom single family home for rent. Long term tenants just vacate...Rare two bedroom single family home for rent. Long term tenants just vacate...
Property Type: Types of PropertiesDescriptionCondo/TH/Apt Rentals...Condo/TH/Apt Rentals
# of Bedrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription2...2
# of Bathrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription2...2
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription900...900
Year Built: Types of PropertiesDescription1980...1980
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionVery Nice Upgraded rental located in central Guam. Very convenient to UOG a...Very Nice Upgraded rental located in central Guam. Very convenient to UOG a...
Status: Types of PropertiesDescriptionClosed...Closed
Property Type: Types of PropertiesDescriptionSingle Fmly For Rent...Single Fmly For Rent
# of Bedrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription3...3
# of Bathrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription2...2
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription1400...1400
Year Built: Types of PropertiesDescription1994...1994
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionNice home in a nice neighborhood near schools. Tenant Just vacated so the h...Nice home in a nice neighborhood near schools. Tenant Just vacated so the h...
Status: Types of PropertiesDescriptionClosed...Closed
Property Type: Types of PropertiesDescriptionSingle Fmly For Rent...Single Fmly For Rent
# of Bedrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription3...3
# of Bathrooms: Types of PropertiesDescription3...3
Square Footage: Types of PropertiesDescription2045...2045
Year Built: Types of PropertiesDescription2017...2017
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionDiscover island retreat in this exquisite 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom home nestle...Discover island retreat in this exquisite 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom home nestle...
Property Type: Types of PropertiesDescriptionLand For Sale...Land For Sale
Description: Types of PropertiesDescriptionInvestor Alert!!!! Great Hotel Zone Property behind Tumon Sands Plaza 4369 ...Investor Alert!!!! Great Hotel Zone Property behind Tumon Sands Plaza 4369 ...
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REALTORS® aren’t just agents. They’re professional members of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict code of ethics. This is the REALTOR® difference for home buyers:
An expert guide. Selling a home usually requires dozens of forms, reports, disclosures, and other technical documents. A knowledgeable expert will help you prepare the best deal, and avoid delays or costly mistakes. Also, there’s a lot of jargon involved, so you want to work with a professional who can speak the language.
Objective information and opinions. REALTORS® can provide local information on utilities, zoning, schools, and more. They also have objective information about each property. REALTORs® can use that data to help you determine if the property has what you need.
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Negotiation knowledge. There are many factors up for discussion in a deal. A REALTOR® will look at every angle from your perspective, including crafting a purchase agreement that allows you the flexibility you need to take that next step.
Up-to-date experience. Most people sell only a few homes in a lifetime, usually with quite a few years in between each sale. Even if you’ve done it before, laws and regulations change. REALTORS® handle hundreds of transactions over the course of their career.
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